Our five year adventure in Doha, Qatarended June 1, 2012, but the memories will always remain. It's back to Texas where I have decided...Qatar isn't cornering the market on "quirky", as I once believed. Thanks for opening my eyes to the world,Doha!
Two things I'll never get tired of in this country, camel sightings and this man...
In the past you may have seen my posts about a mysterious local man driving his wildly decorated cars around the streets of Doha, or if you've been lucky, you may have spotted him yourself. The obvious great pride that this "Qatari cheerleader", as I call him, shows by the barrage of patriotic flags plastered all over his car brings a smile to my face AND my camera out of the bag. His auto response "thumbs up" is a sign of his upbeat positive attitude that, I for one, find so inspiring. A friend of mine sent me the following video that sheds some light about my local hero known in these parts as "the man in the mask".
Thanks for sharing, Naz!
Just a few pics I've captured around town... Note the "thumbs up" in the top two.
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There are grumblings in the Doha air regarding the appropriateness of some women's choice of dress these days. The modesty police (offended local citizens) are watching, ladies, like it or not.
You would think these same concerned citizens would be after some of the storefront windows around the malls. I've always been taken aback when I pass them by, but it's gotten even a bit more interesting as of late. I suppose I must keep in mind that what we wear in the bedroom and on the streets of Doha are apples and oranges (or handcuffs?), but I feel sure that you, the readers, have a need to keep abreast of our current lingerie trends. No?
Pics taken at a local mall in the last week
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Note: "Dubai Expat Wife" was circulating on twitter, and I tweaked it for Doha. I would gladly credit the original owner, if I only know who they were!
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Doha's Breakfast Central has come to rescue us from banging those pots in the kitchen by removing the guess work of where Doha peeps can go for a good breakfast, OR where to avoid. Being that breakfast is my FAVORITE meal, I jumped on the @DineatDawn twitter bandwagon right away so that I wouldn't miss any of their review announcements. Yours truly was even bestowed the honor of accompanying them on a covert mission to a local diner, but I'm afraid my incessant chattering throughout the meal was a distraction and now they feel a "do over" is in order. So how do burning ears affect taste buds? I guess ears weren't the only thing burned...can you say bridges? Anyhoo, give my twitter buds @haniarif and @vallath a warm welcome by gracing them with a visit at their new tumblr site...
Oh, and just because I've been thrown under the bus doesn't mean they wouldn't enjoy a bit of chatter from you. Let them know how they are doing and/or suggestions on whom to review.
Happy eating!
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