Our five year adventure in Doha, Qatarended June 1, 2012, but the memories will always remain. It's back to Texas where I have decided...Qatar isn't cornering the market on "quirky", as I once believed. Thanks for opening my eyes to the world,Doha!
Is it obvious that I'm milking our Bali vacation as long as I can? Just breaking it up into parts, doling out crumbs a few at a time so that I can relive it at the same time. Unfortunately, Kayla's roll in part two of her vacation (Qatar) came to an end early this morning. She had to leave lala land and report back to the real world, aka work. The rest of the clan is hanging with us until Friday.
Just a few pics to give you a peak into our Bali adventure. I rank this vacation at the top of our travels, but having our entire family together could have skewed the results. Everything was picture perfect, if you don't count our trip home (and me being blindsided by a monkey). We hit a bit of a kink when the plane we were sitting in failed to leave the tarmac at our Singapore layover. It was deemed mechanical failure and we were eventually loaded onto another plane to complete our destination only to arrive thirteen hours later than planned. Thank goodness we were all chilled from our Bali experience.
More pics coming soon.
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