Time to report in, but there's not much to report. Just hanging out, and enjoying every minute of it. Our visit with Shea was short, but the other kids and I loved having him around a for a few days if for nothing else, just to argue the point. He's as argumentative as always, and puts me to shame if you can believe that. Our scrabble games were quite entertaining. His philosophy is if you can't define the word, you can' t play it. Our answer to that was, "get over it". I was all prepared to fix Shea some home cooked meals (I was!), but he declared that he was looking forward to eating out every night. I'm not so sure what that says about his opinion of my cooking. Maybe that's why most of you know that "denial" is my middle name. We hit a couple of Mexican restaurants and a hometown diner that sported a "we support our troops" sign. He left this afternoon and headed to Houston where he'll spend a couple of nights before heading back to Fort Bragg. If you haven't noticed, Fort Bragg has been making a lot of news these last few days. A male soldier
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