I try to keep my posts at a "G" rating, but today's is pushing the envelope. Put the children to bed :)
While I was sitting at the Rome airport, I got the funniest email from on of my local Doha friends, Peggy. It's a true "only in Doha" story and for it to happen to her, our quiet, reserved, low key friend makes it only funnier. I've copied and pasted it with Peg's permission:
OK Ladies here is one for the books!!!! I went to the jeweler yesterday and the door was locked so I was window shopping a bit
I have been laughing ever since!
My guest author is Peggy Buchanan who is from my neck of the woods with a home in Labelle, Tx. That's her with her husband David ("Buck") who came to Doha from the Port Arthur refinery.
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This is too Funny...... I bet the look in her face would have been to die for.....