Our five year adventure in Doha, Qatar ended June 1, 2012, but the memories will always remain. It's back to Texas where I have decided...Qatar isn't cornering the market on "quirky", as I once believed. Thanks for opening my eyes to the world, Doha!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

From the Irish to the French

We fly out to Paris tomorrow morning, we hope, anyway. We're banking on the French union strikes to not affect us. That's my positive attitude busting through. Check back with me tomorrow to see how that transcended. Anyway, it appears that their government would like to eke a couple of more years out of the citizens by changing the retirement age to 62 to save a little moolah. C'est la vie, Que Sera Sera, and any other of those cute little foreign phrases you can think of.

To celebrate our upcoming Doha departure, we shared a meal with our best friends at Bennigan's tonight sporting our awesome embroidered polos that were a special gift to us. Thanks, guys, y'all are the best!

A few of our special friends at Bennigan's There are many more, but they missed the picture :(

We're outta here, folks! I'll check in and post pics when I can.

Eid Mubarak!

To read or leave comments, please click on the comments link below. Thanks!


  1. Love the shirts! Have an incredible trip. Can't wait to see pictures!

  2. yall are so frickin cute! have fun in France!!! take care of that little devil over there!! i miss you all!!

  3. Thanks alot , sir ma'm for uploading the pic.& being a part of the BENNIGANS.

  4. You are welcome, Yam! I made some copies of it and will give them to all of you when we visit soon :)


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