Our five year adventure in Doha, Qatar ended June 1, 2012, but the memories will always remain. It's back to Texas where I have decided...Qatar isn't cornering the market on "quirky", as I once believed. Thanks for opening my eyes to the world, Doha!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tennis, Anyone?

Ok, what to talk about today...no elephants in sight. No "live creatures everywhere" as Kristi exclaimed unhappily as walking through the resort in Phuket upon eying frogs, huge beetles, centipedes and other unidentifiable animals. No more tuk-tuk rides. No more people bowing to us like we are royalty. Back to the real world, well not really...we are in Doha. I know, y'all saw that coming. I'm becoming too easy to read. The most exciting thing going on, as of today, is that we have a new Carrefour in the neighborhood. Carrefour is a huge supermarket/department store, sort of like Walmart. Unfortunately, we don't have the nice big yellow happy smiley faces over here reflecting the low Walmart prices, but Carrefour is about as good as it gets. Five minutes away, opposed to twenty minutes away is a great improvement. Maybe the convenience will encourage me to cook more. Whatever, refer back to "the real world" comment. And, no, they don't deliver. On another note, David and I have been invited to play tennis with a couple of our friends this weekend. They must be in need of a good ego boosting as David and I haven't played tennis since we lived in Mobile which was well over ten years ago. And even then, I think only a "participation" ribbon would have been in order. So anyway, I guess I'll have to hop over to Carrefour and see if they have tennis rackets. Of course, we didn't have the foresight to bring ours. While we're playing tennis, Kristi will be back in the states catching up on doctors appointments, visiting colleges, and maybe another fun social event that I'll report on AFTER she graduates. This is the world wide web, people, and anyone can view it. I know, you're confused...you'll get over it. Speaking of Kristi, I want to congratulate her on snagging a Chevron Phillips Chemical scholarship. Way to go, Kristi!! It's not a huge one, but it's an honor and a tribute to her hard work over the years, and of course every dollar helps. We will have THREE in college in August. That's just ridiculous. Now you know why we're doing this stint overseas.

Real World Lyrics

I'm back from Carrefour! Record time...I bet you didn't even miss me. Ok, Karen & Ed, are you ready to take on the Dunlop Slam 27 Carrefour edition? Bring it on!!

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