Our five year adventure in Doha, Qatar ended June 1, 2012, but the memories will always remain. It's back to Texas where I have decided...Qatar isn't cornering the market on "quirky", as I once believed. Thanks for opening my eyes to the world, Doha!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cruising the Bay

Our Chevron-Phillips ladies group took a cruise in the Persian Gulf yesterday on a dhow, similar to the one on the right. I forgot to take a picture of our boat! We had about 15 women gather at the docks at 9:00a.m. to start our five hour journey. The temperature & weather cooperated (no more 20% chance of rain as previously forecast...just hype, I guess) to make for a great day. The crew served us a beautifully catered lunch of shrimp and other meats (unidentifiable, but good nonetheless!), soup, various salads & dessert. It was topped off by "homemade" instant Nescafe coffee...yum! Notice the picture of the tugboat & barge we spotted on our outing. I'm pretty sure my couch and other cargo from the states are on it. Ha! It was picked up from my house in Port Neches the 3rd week of August & has yet to be seen by us. Rumor has it that arrived in Doha on November 12th, but is waiting to clear customs. Anyway, back to the cruise. The water was an absolutely beautiful aqua green color. We docked near a deserted island for anyone who wanted to swim. We only had two brave souls that ventured into the waters. The temp was in the low 80's, but the water was really chilly. We just spent most of the time sitting on the observation deck getting know each other. A lot of us had never met before. On Sunday, one of our ladies that hails from Thailand is going to school us on the art of cooking Thai Pad Noodles. That should be interesting. No excuse for sitting on your duffs around here. Something is always on the calendar. Oh, the sign on the toilet door is just typical Doha style, just had to share it. But, the kilt...hmm, I think that's his own personal style. I can't say that I've seen that one before.


  1. Looks like you are on a permanent vacation over there. You will be bored when you get back to the states!!

  2. I thought I was on permanent vacation??!!


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