They come, they accomplish, they leave us behind. Sounds so sad, but such is the life of an expat. I have to say that we are not as sad as we are blessed. Blessed to have friends that we've shared good times, "tea" times, "Doha" moments, family photos, and a meal or two with . Ok, maybe we are sad, but we are enriched, indeed, for them allowing us into their lives. Today we had a brunch to bid farewell to four more such people all headed back to Texas after leaving their marks on us and Doha. Their days of roundabouts, Land Cruisers, dune bashing, Ramadan, camel sightings, endless construction, sandstorms, one hundred fifteen degree weather, hair saloons, grocery store hopping, madame greetings and mosque prayer calls come to an end. Some things they will miss, but no doubt others they will bid good riddance to. So, Francis, Traci, Kim (as we all lovingly know as June), and Tina, we wish you ladies well in this next juncture of your lives. Thanks for the memories. Until we meet again....

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