Unbeknownst to mom, she joined the social scene while visiting me in Kyle this week. I secretly made her a
Facebook page and had friends and smart alec comments all in place, before she ever saw it. The unveiling of her new life in print was met with such great shock that I got a bit nervous waiting for her ultimate response. But then the cackling set in, and as my dad likes to say, "that's all she wrote". We convulsed with laughter as I read to her each new entry and comment that was manufactured on her behalf while she sat there helplessly. The entertainment value for Mom, Regina, and me was priceless (so, don't forget to "add" her!). We did do a
little venturing while they were here. It had been years since mom had visited the
Texas State Capitol, so we figured she needed a refresher. We also went by
St Edward's to show her the university that the girls attend. We left the Texas Capitol and headed to the Texas Roadhouse for a little sustenance. How's that for transition? This morning we took to the hilly roads and landed in
Wimberley for breakfast on the square. They left my house just a while ago, and I thin

they may be headed to my brother's home at Lake Livingston. Who knows what I can conjure up for her page while she's on the road.

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Great reading about all your family time together while you were visiting. I love your mom's facebook page! Have a safe trip to your home away from home.