My whirlwind USA tour is going to turn into a mild breeze as of tomorrow morning. It peaked this weekend with Dustin's graduation (yea!) and the visit of my in-laws, added to my niece and her two daughters that were already staying here, added by my nephew who scored his first weekend pass from Fort Sam Houston since he's been there. To say the least it was a bit chaotic and crowded, but fun all the same. In those few days we managed a visit to Luviano's, Olive Garden, Sheller's (waited on by the most beautiful waitress in the West...Thanks, K!) and Railroad Barbecue. To top off those meals, we kept a supply of Blue Bell on hand to savor while visiting. This evening, Dustin dropped JoJo & Granddaddy at the Austin airport, while Hailey headed in the other direction to return Robert to his army post in San Antonio. Hailey and her girls will start their journey home to North Carolina tomorrow morning via a few stops at relatives' along the way to break up their trip. Kristi will be moving into her on campus apartment on Tuesday. Kayla will be involved with St Ed's orientation this week, then heading on to Las Vegas for a final summer fling. Dustin will take a trip to Port Arthur this weekend for a quick visit before he heads back to school next week. Where does this leave me in the mix? All
alone. Aah,
Calgon, take me away.
Note:I enjoyed your visit Hailey, Myah, and Sophia, although I cannot lie. I will not miss my early alarm, aka Sophia :DJoan and Bill, thanks for taking the time to make it to Dustin's graduation. I know that it made it extra special for him. Ditto to you, Regina!
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