Whew, skipping the jet lag is too good to be true! Maybe
that's why it's setting in. I made it through the whole day yesterday feeling great. Last night I took my Chlorohistol (what we Americans call Benadryl) and headed to bed. That's my tried and
sometimes true method to get back into a good sleep pattern. I crashed at 9:30pm only to wake up at 1:00am bright eyed and bushy tailed. I wouldn't play the game. I stayed in bed determined to return to my slumber. There's something about the sun coming up that knocks me right out. That's when those wild and crazy dreams set in to keep me from enjoying my much needed sleep. Unfortunately for me, I had to drag myself out of bed this morning to clean house. Yes, my new housekeeper was due at 11:00am, so of course, I had to have things sparkling for him. Somehow, I don't think I get it. I did make it through most of the day today, but felt myself zoning out while visiting the Pink Villa Quilt Guild aka Peggy's house. I forewent the ten minute power nap and opted for an all out one hour snooze. I'm good to go, again. We'll see what the sleep gods have in store for me tonight.

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