Our five year adventure in Doha, Qatar ended June 1, 2012, but the memories will always remain. It's back to Texas where I have decided...Qatar isn't cornering the market on "quirky", as I once believed. Thanks for opening my eyes to the world, Doha!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

82 Years Young

Mom is 82 today. Could that be a reflection that my youth is passing away, as well? I'm in agreement with whomever coined the phrase, "you're as young as you feel". The only problem is that we all know that varies from day to day. As the picture indicates, mom seems to be buying into that phrase, too. I'm not so sure about the "feeling" part, but the acting part is for sure. I certainly don't remember her acting like this while the six of us siblings were growing up. Hmm, except for maybe the time she got on the "mini" motor bike and got a little out of control causing her to go through the bed linens that were hanging from the clothes line. Wow, that's a blast from the past...do kids even know what a clothes line is? Anyway, needless to say the bike went one way and mom went the other. Broken glasses and a bruised and scratched up face were her reward for feeling so young that day, which I bet she didn't feel the next morning when getting out of bed. So, today is her birthday and all she wants is some wings from Pluckers Wing Bar in Austin. She's never had them, but she figured since Kayla and Kristi both work there, she ought to give them a shot. Kayla's manager hooked her up with a bucket of wings for "MaMa" and off she went for a four hour road trip with the smell of wings in her car. I hope they made it! Enjoy your wings mom. May you have many more to come.

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  2. Happy birthday, Mrs. T! I have such fond memories of times spent at your house over the years of our youth. Have a WONDERFUL day!

  3. Happy Birthday Corrine... Wish I could be there to help you celebrate, like going out to eat somewhere... Bar-B-Que Crabs maybe??? Have a great day, will see you soon, Larry.......

  4. Happy 82nd Corrine, wish we could be there to celebrate with you.

    David K

  5. Mama, just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you on your birthday (as I freeze in our sub-zero weather!)...Happy B-Day!!!

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAW MAW! Hope you enjoyed your wings!

  7. Happy Birthday Mama!

  8. Happy Birthday MaMa!!!

  9. ~sing it~
    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..Happy Birthday dear Aunt Corrine...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! I love you...your favorite niece..LOL...Peg~~

  10. Hey! I thought I was the favorite niece! Move over Peggy...hehehe......Happy Birthday Aunt Corrine, I love you!


I always love hearing your comments. Go ahead make my day, be it the good, the bad, or the ugly...