After digging all the sand out of ears and refreshing ourselves from our dune trip, we headed to Far East for much needed nourishment. Ryan was the adventurer of the day and ordered Doha cuttlefish. It's in the same family as squid and octopus with a very chewy texture, as Ryan confirmed wholeheartedly. The rest of us stayed on the straight and narrow and ordered foods that were familiar to us. Yesterday, we slowed down to a snail's pace. laying around the villa all morning. Finally, around noon I went into the kitchen to prepare what I guess at that point in time was lunch. When I hollered that it was ready,they filed into the kitchen to see what I had to offer. What they found were "takeaway" containers from outings of the previous few days. Surprisingly, there were no complaints to be heard, just the beeping of the microwave as each nuked their own choice.

Enjoying all the pics of the kids. Even when you guys are doing nothing it's still interesting.