Ramadan will be coming to a close in less than two

weeks and with the end of the fasting season comes the HOLIDAYS! The only problem is, I haven't booked anything. Simmer down people, I have
eleven more days to put in a plan of action. We do have a few ideas in mind, but just haven't put them in writing,
yet. Did I say
"only problem"? There's actually a bigger problem that I seem to have carried over from last year. My battery charger for my camera was left in the states,
again, this year and I'll need it for my supposed vacation. Ayyyyaaaayaaaa! I didn't forget it this time. I just couldn't locate it before I left. I tore the house up before my departure and even called the hotel where we stayed in New York, but to no avail. Who knows. My age related memory problem that started in my twenties is getting worse. If you remember from last year's dilemma,
David had made a contraption to charge my battery. Well, this is my new camera and I was a bit more skeptical about him blowing up my battery. Maybe for good reason...what little power I had left in the battery he completely drained with his contraption this time. No doubt, under pressure he would have come through, but we
knew had faith there was a good

chance that I could get another charger here in Doha. So, we made a run to Doha's authorized Nikon reps in
Salam Mall to see what we could find. The answer to that was "Oh, yes, we have that...just not today".
Of course, not. We were told to check back on Monday, but I'm not holding my breath. It
is still Ramadan, and if you thought things were at a snail's pace before, stick around and wait a while.

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Take a trip to the Maldives, you're so close. I've never been there, but that is tops on my list. I've heard the diving is surreal and the whale sharks are beautiful.