Wow, Ringo is even worse than I remembered him :(
We made our practice run last night to watch AC Milan acclimate themselves to Al Sadd Stadium. Security was doing their job and wouldn't let me into their entrance/dressing room. Hey, you have to try in this country. You absolutely never know what a request may bring. We made our way into the stadium where they had half blocked off for spectators. From across the way we got another look at where our seats are going to be and realized that there may be a problem. We were just too close to the situation during our
personal tour the other day and failed to note the built in

camera box that's definitely going to be obstructing a lot of the playing field. Such is life. I took a few pictures to see if tomorrow night's game could possibly bring me one decent photo. You know, take five hundred, hope for one great shot? I was really far away and in the upper section for these, so there's a minuscule possibility. Remember, I don't have my new camera, yet. Argghhhhh! Hopefully, Kayla will have it in hand when we meet in Paris. Nonetheless, a few

of the players are recognizable and I will settle. We hung around for about an hour and headed to the truck and ran across some really nice red motorcycles lined up in the parking lot. Of course, I asked if I could take a pic and when the gentleman said yes, I pushed my luck a little further and asked if I could get on it. Duh, of course you can. David took my pic on the bike and immediately afterward the three uniformed men jumped in and told David to take another pic. Unfortunately, the flash bounced right off all the reflective decals and ruined the picture. I did check out the ISF initials on the motorcycles this morning, which I had no clue last night what they meant. Internal Security, isn't that special.
Our tickets are for the cream colored section.

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You are lucky you are adorable!! Surely you should have been arrested by now! ;-) You're awesome! Enjoy the game!