The sun sets on our family vacation 

Our European reunion is over and everyone,
hopefully, is back in their corner of the world. We rolled into the pink villas this morning about 5:30a.m. to the screaming
welfare cats. David said, I'll get rid of them and poured them all up a serving of dog food, which sent two out of three of them running. Was there any doubt? Freakin' freeloaders, we really should stop enabling them. Anyway, I have confirmation that Dustin, Kayla, and Kristi made it back to Austin. We walked them to the train station yesterday morning at 7:30

am to catch their train to the airport. It was just David, Shea and myself to spend a last quiet day on our eleven day run. We took it easy and strolled along the river and had a leisurely two hour lunch to get our last bit of visiting in before heading to the train station to make our final connections. We rode the same train with Shea to Zurich, where he was to make a connection to Stuttgart. He had to get off a couple of stops before us, so we hope he made it. His train skills didn't prove to be so good as he got off at the wrong train station in his route to Lucerne on Friday night. After erroneously getting off at a "ghost town" train stop, he had to take a cab to get to another station to catch another train to Lucerne. Hopefully, he was a little more "astute" this time. The getaway with the family was wonderful and I think Lucerne was the winner hands down. Thanks to everyone that joined us for the ride. We'll do it again, some time :)

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