Our five year adventure in Doha, Qatar ended June 1, 2012, but the memories will always remain. It's back to Texas where I have decided...Qatar isn't cornering the market on "quirky", as I once believed. Thanks for opening my eyes to the world, Doha!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Corniche Walking Series

This is the first installment (hopefully not the last) of my corniche walking series. David and I did so much enjoyable walking in Austria that we decided we should bring it home to Doha. We'll see how long he lasts on this one. The weather will be cooling down soon and walking along the water and palm trees on the corniche can be quite peaceful. We came across some innovative fisherman along the way using water bottles as poles. There were no fish in their bucket as of yet, but I have no doubt that they knew what they were doing. Next up was the "the man" toilet, not to be confused with the woman toilet. Maybe it's just me, but man toilet struck me really funny. By the time we finished our walk, I was "glistening" to the max. Maybe if David and I both didn't suffer from MDD (motivational deficit disorder), it wouldn't be so hot. We didn't start our walk till nearly 11:00am. We'll shoot for earlier next time, better yet, maybe it will be a little cooler.

David & Me taking a break at the halfway mark

Final result: 2200 meter x2. Not too bad, 2 3/4 miles for you people on the other side of the world!

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1 comment:

  1. I like the walks, keep it up. It lets us see the real Qatar. Denise says thanks for the birthday wish.


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